piatok 29. januára 2016

Celine Dion , René-Charles , Nelson & Eddy, Patrick, Jean-Pierre & Anne Marie Angelil

"My family and I are deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support from so many people who have touched our lives during these past few days. We have felt your love for René, and your prayers and compassion have helped us during this most difficult time...more than you'll ever know. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I would also like to sincerely thank the Quebec Government for honoring René with National Funerals as well as the many individuals and organizations who came together to hold such a beautiful tribute in his name.
We will never forget all of the kindness that you have bestowed upon us."
On behalf of our family, with all of our love,
Céline, René-Charles, Nelson & Eddy,
Patrick, Jean-Pierre & Anne Marie

"Nous remercions du fond du cœur tous les gens qui ont manifesté leur amour pour René au cours de ces moments éprouvants.
Vos témoignages et votre support nous ont aidés, plus que vous ne pouvez l’imaginer à franchir cette étape et à lui faire nos adieux.
Merci également au Gouvernement du Québec pour la tenue de funérailles nationales ainsi qu’aux nombreuses personnes et organisations qui se sont mobilisées pour lui rendre un dernier hommage à la hauteur de l’homme qu’il était."
Céline, René-Charles, Nelson et Eddy
Patrick, Jean-Pierre et Anne-Marie

Following her husband René's funeral services Céline expressed her gratitude to the public

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